…I’m writing this post ’cause I’m bored
…I’m also only writing it cause my friends, Ruchi and Vikram wrote something like this before.
…I’m going to be nasty and keep the “juicy” stuff for later in the list
…I’ve never wanted to be an “engine driver” that all boys seem to want to be at some point of time in their lives.
…I’m a bigger geek than you think I am. I’m quite likely more nerdy than you think I am!
…I’ve actually asked someone to marry me and then watched as she went off and married someone else!
…I’ve kissed another guy, albeit only on a dare. (And no we weren’t drunk. Or at least, not drunk enough!)
…When I was a kid, I’d lie in bed thinking of what it would be like to be dead and buried and have maggots crawling through my body.
…I’m mostly egotistical, but sometimes egoistical.
…I cannot play chess to save my life.
…My parents didn’t get cable TV until 2004 and I don’t live with them anyway. So I grew up with the only option being Doordarshan. I’ve never watched much TV in my life and I’m still not tempted to.
…I used to spend huge amounts of time online and the only reason I don’t anymore is that I can’t afford broadband in India!
…the longest conversation I’ve had with someone lasted almost 6 hours. (Yes, I’ve seen Before Sunrise and Before Sunset too)
…If it wasn’t apparently already, I like to talk, but I’m also a good listener.
…I’ve only ever tried marijuana. Three times. It didn’t work even once. Damn!
…I never had a nickname in school or college. I made one up for myself. It didn’t catch on. Don’t ask.
…I think Terry Pratchett is one of the coolest writers alive. No wait, Neil Gaiman is… um, maybe Iain M Banks, well Douglas Adams is certainly the coolest writer dead, but that sounds morbid. Oh well.
…I love my parents to bits, but most times I get bored talking to them, so I really envy the people who can.
…I can’t balance a two-wheeler.
…I fooled you about the “juicy” bits at the end. This is all there is. Until I can think of some more.