I have a crush!! ‘Nuff said.
So then… I heckled Arul into creating an LJ account. And surprsingly he agreed rather easily and even posted there today!!
Typical Arul vitriol, but ever so funny and relevant! I love it… I just hope he keeps up with the momentum. That way, it assures me of some good reading every few days!
Today’s bits of randomness
Right now I’m listening to the music of 1942 – A Love Story. Once again, I can’t remember how I got there. I remember reading something about Kavita Krishnamurthy and suddenly decided I needed to listen to the music from this movie. Lovely songs.
I finally did my taxes today. I had all the forms and crap ready, just was too lazy to fill the damn things out and mail them. Well, now that’s done. So I should get my return soon. I really need it, it’s around 500 bucks!! 🙂 It’s not fair that I’m not allowed to file online. It is so easy to do it online!
Speaking of which, my life is rapidly transforming into a complete online existance. I spend my time on my computer recording bee dances, writing software for the lab, reading papers, and I even do my notes on it. For the classes I teach, I make my presentations, find videos, visuals, resources all online. My bank and credit cards don’t send me statements in the mail. All online. When I do get bills from the university, I get them online. My electricity, cable, phone, all online. Wheeeee! And not to mention all the time I spend chatting on flickr!
I got mad today. Maybe also a bit sad. I’m wondering if I’m too pushy online. Maybe I’m trying to be friends with people who would rather keep their distance from me. I posted a couple of comment on someone’s blog and soon after those comments were posted, that blog was made “friends only” and hence locked me out. It wasn’t the first time I’ve commented there, but I guess I rubbed that person the wrong way this time. I wouldn’t be so mad, if at least I was told that I was not wanted. I hate the indirectness of the whole thing. There’s also an element of hypocrisy involved, but lets not go into that here. For all I know that person is reading this now. Well, see, I don’t care. This is what I feel, and I don’t need to hide it from the world.
Well, it’s also possible I’m being paranoid and overreacting (I tend to do the latter a lot) but somehow I don’t think that’s the case this time.
Anyway, this incident kind of made me think a bit about my online presence. I do tend to insinuate myself into conversations, posts, etc. I never really thought that if I was unwelcome I wouldn’t be told so. What if I’m the online equivalent of that guy no one really wants to talk to but don’t know how to say so? Oh man, now I’m horrified. Have I just been bugging a lot of people all these months? So I’ve decided then to tone down all the chatting, posting, silly jokes, stupid crap that I’m always spouting. Maybe even be more insular too. Ok, that’s done.
Just had to mention here, Shambly Hermit met hey leto on flickr and pointed me at her blog. This is really good reading! I so wish I could write like her! Oddly, I have not met her on flickr yet, but I think when I do, I might just gush all about how much I like her blog. hehe…
My Buddies!!
My friends and acqs, originally uploaded by GreyArea.
Here’s a pic I created of all my friends and acqs on flickr from their buddy icons. Ain’t it cool? I (heart) Flickr!!
Oooooh, I’m Gill!!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
I seem to be filling my blog up with these silly quizzes… But, but, but… they’re sooo irresistable!!
And so it goes… I always knew I was a lesbian trapped in a man’s body!! 🙂 I’ll get this on a T-shirt soon!
I’m on LiveJournal
I created a LiveJournal account today. Not because I’m moving my blog there, but just so I can comment on my friends’ journals there. The only post on my LJ is a link back here. So in order to be complete, and totally self-referential, here’s a link to my LJ.
My user id is oooky, feel free to add me in as a friend! 🙂
I actually admire Bill Clinton!!
This description doesn’t seem to be too flattering, though I think it is mostly accurate. Either way, I did think he was a good president and a personality to admire. (And hey, he could get any woman he wanted! :p)
Am I really??
A new friend?
The other reason I feel better today, is that I’ve had a fun coversation with someone through their livejournal comments. I stumbled upon Roopa’s LJ [link removed] by following a link from someone in orkut, to their journal, to a comment posted by her, and to her journal.
You can follow that thread here [link removed].
So Roopa, if you’re reading this, thanks! You helped cheer me up today, despite the fact that you were “pissed OFF! [link removed]” Oh and my name is A*****. Pleased to meet you! 🙂
updated: 05-15-2004, Roopa knows my name now, so I’ve removed it from this post! And the link to her LJ too. 🙂