First Snowfall

All day yesterday it snowed accompanied by gusty winds… boy was it chilly outside. So much so that I decided to just stay at home snuggled under a comforter!! Nice!

I finally got around to watching Suraj ka Satvan Ghoda and I quite liked the movie. Mostly for the story and the way it was weaved though I did feel it seemed to stretch a bit too long! In fact at 130 minutes or so, it’s on the shorter side of Indian films. But then again it doesn’t have any song and dance sequences. This film was Rajit Kapur’s debut and I think he does a pretty good job. Watching this also reminded me how hot Neena Gupta is!! 🙂

The big news on GNE, we finally got a few items yesterday! Yay!! All edible stuff. And we also now have stats like karma, mood, energy, tummy and xp. None of which really matter at the moment, but it’s fun to play around with it in anticipation. Stewart has promised more stuff by the end of this week, though with Thanksgiving coming up, I’m not sure if that will happen!

I also chatted with Priya on Yahoo! yesterday after donkey’s years! It was good to be able to speak with her after so long. She says she’s planning to come to the US in December or thereabouts. Not sure when, if ever, I can meet her in the US, but you never know. I keep telling myself, it’s just a matter of getting your own car and then you’ll be mobile around the US, but I don’t know. I just don’t seem to have enough free time to do all the wandering I want and the time I do get off, I laze about at home. New Year’s Resolution for 2004: Stop lazing about! hehehe…