If I’m a little bug-eyed…

…blame it on the movie marathon I did yesterday. I watched 3 movies at the cinema one after the other with just a break for lunch.

I started with Syriana at 11am. At first the quick cuts, the insane number of characters and information had me lost. But the story quickly came together (in my head, at least!) and I really liked the movie. By far the best movie I saw yesterday. The funniest bit was where they had these actors playing Pakistani immigrant workers in the gulf speaking such completely bad and stilted Hindustani. One of them had a terrible accent too!

After stuffing my face with pizza for lunch, I watched A History of Violence. I hadn’t heard anything about this movie before save for the fact that Maria Bello was nominated for an Oscar. But when I saw the trailer last week, it seemed quite interesting and I decided I had to catch it. I wasn’t disappointed. I quite liked the story and even Viggo Mortenson’s acting. And hey, even the blockbuster fans will be happy with the slick (albeit few) action sequences.

The last movie I saw was Brokeback Mountain. I wasn’t too keen on it since it seemed to be surrounded by hype and I hadn’t really read anything that made me want to watch the movie. And well, as I thought, I didn’t like it much. (You may flame me now! :p) It wasn’t a terrible movie, but I didn’t think it was anything great either! I liked the way the story was told, in little vingnettes stretching over the years and it was certainly a very picturesque movie. But gawd was it slow! And what’s with everyone raving about what a great love story it is? This is two people cheating on their spouses and having sex with each other. Since when did that rate as an epic love story?

Anyway, this seems to be a great time for movies in Bombay. I’m planning on catching The Producers this weekend and Being Cyrus the next! 🙂


  1. ah ha, exactly my feelings. Two people cheating on their spouses and having sex with each other, does not necessarily a love story make. frankly, i felt sorry for the spouse. and sorry for having wasted my precious little time! so many movies and so less time! yeah, haven’t watched any of the others yet.

  2. I wanna see Syriana too! I managed to see Memoirs of a Geisha(terrible terrible), Munich (ok) and Crash(awesome). I might skip Brokeback Mountain and watch Walk the Line – minor details like money notwithstanding.

  3. Why so enigmatic nowadays? Or perhaps I’m only feeling it now that I’m all these many miles away.

    I had a TV-movie marathon Friday night when I watched The GodFather, The GodFather II and Basic Instinct. These were all movies that I’d only seen in bits and pieces.

    I liked Brokeback Mountain but didn’t care too much for Geisha.

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