testing again
Tag: random
Back in the USA
Yes, yes, I know… It’s been almost two months since I posted here. Not like anyone is reading this actually. But whatever…
Well going from the comments I see, at least a couple of people are reading the blog and so I should be writing more often… if only not to disappoint the raving crowds of fans I have! 😉
So let me start it off with one really interesting site I came across today by my usual random “follow-links-everywhere” approach to surfing.
The Wooden Periodic Table Table is a site about, well, a wooden table… and it has every element of the periodic table. Piqued? Go ahead and take a look at the site. I guarantee you will spend quite a bit of time perusing it!
a blogging we will go
Watching everyone on GNE going on about NaNoWriMo, persuaded me to make another entry in the blog and hopefully keep it going regularly from now on…
News here is that in a couple of weeks I will be heading home for about a month! Yay!! I still have to do some kind of shopping out here, get some things to take home and some stuff for sundry friends.
I haven’t planned anything to do in India yet, I think I’ll just snuggle up in bed at home and read books and go out and get sloshed with friends at night. That’s as planned as it’s going to be!
Terrific, just doing a Google Image search for pics of Aishwarya Rai and most of the links are very crappy pics of her!! Where are all the nice pictures gone?? And why doesn’t she have an official site?? (and before anyone complains about why in heck I’m looking for pics of Ash, well, it’s ’cause a friend here wanted to see… so there!)
sleeeeeeeepy now… ‘night
Complete Waste of Time, that’s what it means… handy little acronym I picked up from a friend who actually has a folder named CWOT where he dumps all the random stuff from the Internet he is always downloading.