With all the random wandering on the internet I do, I chanced upon “Baghdad Burning.”
This is the blog of a young woman from Baghdad. Extremely well written, she talks about everything, from her life, to the current situation, to her mixed feelings towards American troops, to the happenings in Falujah, to conversations with her younger brother.
Living in the US, I see the whole Iraq mess only from the perspective of how the “Lefist Liberals” and the “Right wing Conservatives” portray it. The Liberals use it to show how bad the Bush administration is and the Conservatives want to tell the world that they are bringing freedom and democracy to everyone. (I think they believe they invented those concepts.)
Reading her blog helped me put a human face to what’s happening in Iraq. It’s not about whether the war was a good or a bad choice, it’s not about how many American troops are dying (although that is important in its own right), it’s not about WMDs (was it ever?) and it’s certainly not about Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda.
I’m sad now. I’m putting a link to Baghdad Burning in my blog roll. I intend to read it often. I wish all the pols and people that are so polarised over the Iraq issue read it too. Turn off Fox, turn off CNN, throw away your NYT and Washington Post. Listen to an ordinary Iraqi. Please.