Blogger allows me to syndicate my blog, I’m wondering whether I need to do that now? How many people actually read this? Lets have a show of hands! 🙂
Update: No comments in days. Apparently no one reads this blog… oh well.
Random wanderings from the mind of a moody orangutan
Blogger allows me to syndicate my blog, I’m wondering whether I need to do that now? How many people actually read this? Lets have a show of hands! 🙂
Update: No comments in days. Apparently no one reads this blog… oh well.
So while spending time chatting on flickr, I came across this website called AllConsuming, mostly because the guy behind AllConsuming, Erik Benson, created a service tied into your contact list on flickr called Connectr. I’ll let you go to those sites and see what they’re all about. What I do want to tell you here, is that AllConsuming allows me to put in a snazzy “currently reading” list into my blog with minimal fuss and with all working links to Amazon and whatnot.
To coin a phrase… “That totally rocks, duuuude!!”
The next thing, HaloScan, the service I have been using for commenting, has now implemented trackback too. More power to them! (More power to us bloggers too!)
And if I hadn’t mentioned this before, both these services are totally free. No strings attached. No pop-up ads, no spyware installed on your computer, no… oh well you get the point.
Let’s tally up a few things that go into this blog: I create it using blogger, that’s free. I host it at webspace my school gives me, that’s free. I use DynDns‘s WebHop service to cloak and redirect requests from to the actual url, that’s free too (with one single small pop-up), and, using HaloScan, I have commenting and trackback, all free. I Love the Internet!! 😉
Finally the blog has a proper home… I used the free DynDNS redirection service to give my blog a home at I agree not the prettiest name, but it certainly a lot better than the old URL to my school space and besides which, now people reading my blog don’t have to know which school I go to! 🙂
Hopefully this is the first step in keeping this blog up-to-date on a more regular basis. (Fingers crossed and all that!)
Today was a boring and very very uneventful day… I spent most of it sleeping or chatting on GNE. I seem to be making a lot more friends there in spite of the fact that I can bore the hell out of anyone by my constant inane chat.. hehehe.
I actually took the trouble of cooking dinner tonight and then my flatmate comes home and cooks something again… It’s getting really bugging since he always seems to have a problem with my cooking and can’t stop telling the world what a great cook he is… It shouldn’t piss me off so much, but it does! oh, well…
I’ve still not gone shopping for my trip home… my usual procrastination in action again.
Sheeesh… I even put off watching movies. The DVD for Suraj Ka Satwan Ghoda is sitting on top of the player for the last three days!! I’ve always wanted to see this Benegal movie and now that it’s here, I just can’t seem to get the energy to watch it!
I also have a ton of papers to grade, dammit man, do some work!!
Ok, first step, I shall go to sleep now, so that I can wake up before noon tomorrow and get some work done!