Most people do something dishonest and then their conscience nags them about it. Not me, no. I’m the exact opposite.
That is, I do something honest and then I think, damn, why didn’t I just be dishonest about it! 🙂
For instance, a couple of days ago I visited a library, bought one of their withdrawn books and also had to pay a fine on another book. In total Rs 178. I handed over a 500 rupee note and waited for my change. The woman at the register handed me back Rs 431 and said she was increasing it to Rs 179 since she didn’t have change(!)
I took the money. Looked terribly puzzled at her. And when she didn’t seem to get it I finally gave in and returned the extra Rs 110 and told her what she had just done. Of all things, she apologised to me and took the money back! Feeling very surreal, I just turned around and left.
All the way back to the railway station, I was thinking, heck, Rs 110 would have bought me something yummy to eat and I was terribly hungry! 🙂
But you fed your soul, son! You fed your soul.
Yeah, I’ve done that before. And gotten friends mad at me, because we’d all been undercharged.