– My few seconds of fame!

Yesterday my colleague, Prayas came up to me and said that the latest edition of Business Today had an article about and that we were both featured in it.

Obviously, I rushed out and bought a copy of the magazine! 🙂 Unfortunately I can’t link to the story here as the online edition of the magazine is subscription only.

Prayas who had spoken about the need for Creative Commons licenses in India had got a pretty decent write up and a picture of him talking was the image for the story. All that got said about me was:

Ashwan (27), is a science professor from Mumbai who passionately follows science blogs around the globe.

But hey, I’m not complaining! It’s always cool to see your name in print as long as nothing bad is being said about you!

Then this morning, I opened my mailbox to see an email from Peter which had a link to a story by CNN-IBN about!

The short news clip had been uploaded to YouTube by some kind soul and I could finally see my glorious 2 seconds of fame that others had been telling me about for quite a few days!

Here, for your viewing pleasure, is the clip in question. Share and Enjoy! and a new start

I attended in Chennai this past weekend and even spoke there on Science Blogging.

Ashwan Lewis on science blogs
Originally uploaded by Jace.

I mostly talked about some of my favourite science blogs and talked about the potential blogging holds for building bridges between scientists and others and even between scientists.

Obviously after the talk I was asked whether I had my own science blog and quite sheepishly I had to say no. But then I thought Why not?

And so here it is. I don’t know whether I’ll be able to maintain the momentum or whether I do know enough about science to be able to write a lot but I sure will try!